Texas State student raises funds to adopt a baby he found in a trash can in Haiti

Texas State University student Jimmy Amisial found a 3-month old boy while walking to a New Year’s Eve party in Haiti. When Amisial approached the crying infant, the baby was covered in ants and lying on top of garbage
After finding the abandoned child at the age of 22, Amisial chose to keep the baby all while attending college in Texas.
He reported the abandoned baby to police where authorities said Amisial could become the child’s guardian in which he did and named the little baby, Emilio Angel Jeremiah.
Now five years later continues to fight to become Emilios’s adoptive father in the United States. Emilio currently lives with Amisial’s mother, Elicie Jean, in Haiti.
Due to Amisial finding in Haiti, he has to go through the Haitian government to gain full custody of Emilion in the U.S.
Two years after getting Emilio, Amisial decided to fight for the adoption which ended up being costly. So he decided to create a GoFundme with the original goal of $30,000.
The fundraiser has received over $75,000 where excess funds will be used for Emilio’s education in Haiti as well as to support the local orphanage in Emilio’s city and to possibly help pay for Amisial to finish his education.
“I’m humbled by your expression of love and support. Your generosity and contributions will make a big difference in other people lives. Your donations will be used to hopefully get Emilio fully adopted,” Amisial shared. “Pay for Emilio’s schooling, to support the local orphanages; needy families, kids in the community and possibly pay for my education and school debts. With you all that can be possible.”
Emilio will be turning 5 at the end of August and is currently learning different languages including English. He also loves sports especially basketball and soccer.
Amisial continues to fight for Emilio and hopes to visit him whenever he gets a chance.