Pastor Michael Todd launches new series on worship and announces a new book and music is on the way

Transformation Church
Pastor Michael Todd returns after taking a break to obey God and work on the highly anticipated album. Upon his return he made many announcements that excited TC Nation.
After the success of the book, Relationship Goals, Pastor Todd is releasing another book that will give readers a raw and authentic view of his life. Damaged but not Destroyed, is available for preorder now.

If that was not exciting enough Pastor Todd also announced that each sermon in the new series, W.O.W (WORSHIP ON THE WORD,) will have an associated Transformation Worship song that will be released the same week. The song ‘Eagle’ topped the charts, so we can assume these songs will be on repeat on our playlist.
These announcements did not disappoint, TC Nation is in for a treat in the upcoming weeks. Make sure you check Apple Music and Spotify to listen to the new releases. Also let your book club know there’s a new book on the shelf, that is a must read. As always you can watch the sermons on YouTube